Baby photo in overalls

My name is Eleni Yannakopoulos and I'm an empathetic, dynamic, and multi-disciplinary UX UI designer developing user-focused experiences to make our digital lives more accessible, intuitive, and pretty darn cool.

I’ve been a digital designer and artist for as long as I have owned computers. I received a copy of Photoshop CS2 at eight years old and I’ve been hooked ever since. That childhood wonder and pursuit of knowledge have followed me throughout my entire life. I thrive in creative environments that allow me to constantly grow and evolve.

I grew up on the internet designing layouts for social media platforms and love to learn about the impact design has on all of our digital experiences. Outside of digital design, you’ll often find me gaming on my PC, dabbling in traditional art, or playing Dungeons & Dragons. Currently, my favorite video games are Bloodborne, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Monster Hunter: World, and Overwatch. If you play any of these games, hit me up! I love making new gaming buddies!

(psssst… because I know you’re probably wondering: it’s pronounced uh-LEH-nee YEAH-nuh-kah-puh-luhs)

Here are some fun facts!

I played on a collegiate Overwatch eSports team for 3 years (and we won multiple tournaments!)
I tweeted pretending to be one of my cats for a year and amassed over 2,000 followers!
I have never learned how to parallel park and I'm surprised I've made it this far!